Free shipping in Germany from 75 € 🚛

Germination rate checked regularly 🔍

For people - and the environment.

Find out here who and what is behind our Microgreen Shop ! 

Microgreen Shop

With the Microgreen Shop we want everyone an independent and at the same time delicious supply of vitamins through Microgreen and sprouts . On the platform you will find numerous exciting brands and their products as well as all the important information about the different types of cultivation and seed varieties.

There are things that are non-negotiable.

As a company, the impact on our social and ecological environment a matter close to our hearts .

Plastic-free packaging

Your order will be packaged 100% plastic-free. Where it makes sense, we of course also avoid using plastic in the products themselves. Since this is currently very difficult, especially with our trays and growing pots, we also ensure that the products have a very long service life.

100% organic seeds

For every type of seed in the shop, we ensure organic certification in accordance with the control body DE-ÖKO-006 Organic. This is how we ensure that the requirements of the EU organic regulation are adhered to.

Direct inclusion

We are incredibly proud of our collaboration with EKOM. The workshops offer safe jobs for people with mental or physical disabilities.

The team

Within 2 years, the founders Chris and Manu have become a team of Microgreen freaks. And they all have one goal in common: to make star on every European windowsill

How it all began...

Our story began with Christian , who sold fresh vegetables from his family's organic farm at the weekly market. Over time, he realized that many products were neither fresh nor sustainable due to their long journey from southern Europe. 🚚

He promptly researched regional alternatives to vitamin intake - and landed on the Microgreen trend in the USA. The idea of ​​being able to produce healthy and tasty vegetables locally in less than two weeks immediately excited him. 🌱

For a long time, Christian looked for the best equipment, suitable seeds and optimal cultivation tips so that his market range could be expanded to include this small superfood. The products were very well received - and at the same time there were more and more inquiries about whether you could do it yourself.

...and continued

Need aroused – need met. Christian thought about setting up an online platform around the topic of microgreens Microgreen order to be able to offer interested parties a comprehensive range of information and products. ℹ️

Now it went digital - and that's where Manu into play. He built the online shop and took care of online marketing. The demand for the products was quickly so great that the first three employees were hired for packing, customer support and accounting. 💻

From then on everything happened very quickly - and today we are here: A multi-person, highly motivated team and a 5-digit number of orders in 2023 alone. What holds us together? Clearly our value concept!

Our value concept

We give the topic of Microgreen & sprouts a boost by offering all information and exciting brands a place on our platform - namely:


We provide you with a transparent overview of the Microgreen and sprouts market by giving exciting providers the opportunity to introduce themselves and their products.


our comprehensive information pool to provide you with all the relevant know-how so that you can form your own opinion on the topic and the brands.


We are always looking for new brands and guest articles for our blog. Because: Only together can we bring Microgreen & sprouts into the middle of society!