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    Urban gardening with Microgreen and sprouts

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    In recent years, urban gardening has become more and more important. More and more people are choosing to garden in the city, be it on balconies, in community gardens or on urban wastelands. But what exactly is urban gardening and why is it so important?  

    Definition of Urban Gardening
    Urban gardening refers to the practice of growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers in urban areas. Unlike traditional gardening, you don't have to have a large garden or a lot of space to practice this type of gardening. Instead, you can grow your own plants in small spaces like balconies or even window sills.

    Why is urban gardening so important?
    There are many reasons why urban gardening is important. Here are some:

    1. Health Benefits : Growing your own plants gives you access to fresh fruits and vegetables that are full of nutrients and vitamins. This can help improve your health and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease.
    2. Environmental benefits : Urban gardening helps reduce carbon emissions and improve air and water quality. When gardening takes place outside, it can also increase biodiversity in urban areas and improve habitat for birds and insects.
    3. Community : Urban gardening promotes community building and exchange between people. Community gardens provide a space for city residents to come together, share their skills and knowledge, and work together on a project.
    4. Education : Urban gardening offers an excellent opportunity for children and adults to learn about nature and the environment, even in urban areas. In this way, awareness of the importance of sustainability and environmental protection can be increased.

    Types of Urban Gardening

    There are many different types of urban gardening:

    1. Community Gardens : Community gardens are gardens maintained by a group of people. They can usually be used by anyone and can often be found on urban wastelands or in parks. Community gardens are a great way to interact with others and work together on a project.
    2. Balcony Gardens : Balcony gardens are a great opportunity to garden in a small space. With a few pots and some soil, you can grow a variety of herbs, vegetables, and flowers. Balcony gardens can also be decorative and help create a relaxing atmosphere on your balcony.
    3. Roof Gardens : Roof gardens are gardens that are created on the roofs of buildings. They are typically used by the building's occupants and can help improve building insulation and reduce energy consumption.
    4. Backyard Gardens : Backyard gardens are gardens created in the backyards of homes. Here you can grow a variety of plants, from fruits and vegetables to flowers and shrubs. Backyard gardens are a great way to utilize outdoor space and create an oasis of peace and relaxation.
    5. Windowsill Gardens : Windowsill gardens are gardens created on indoor window sills. Growing a variety of herbs, vegetables, and flowers is a great way to supplement your own food supply. With plants in your home you also have the chance to significantly improve the air quality.

    What you need for urban gardening

    If you want to garden in the city, there are a few things you need to get started:

    1. Containers : You can use raised beds, pots, boxes, hanging baskets, or other containers to save space and protect your plants.
    2. Soil : Soil is the foundation of any garden, and urban soil, if available at all for gardening, can often be poor in nutrients and organic materials. It is therefore important that you buy high-quality soil or mix it yourself to ensure that your plants receive enough nutrients to grow and thrive.
    3. Seeds and Plants : To plant your garden, you will need seeds and plants. Think about which varieties you want to grow and purchase the appropriate seeds and seedlings. For a windowsill or balcony, herbs and microgreens can be Microgreen good option.
    4. Tools : You will also need some tools to successfully carry out your urban gardening project. This includes a watering can, a shovel, a rake and possibly a pair of scissors or a knife for cutting plants.

    Why Microgreen and sprouts?

    If you want to garden in your apartment, Microgreen and sprouts are a great option. Microgreen are small, tender seedlings that can be harvested after just a few days when they have just formed their first leaves. Sprouts , on the other hand, are purely water-based and are still a little younger when they are harvested.

    Super healthy
    Microgreen and sprouts are packed with nutrients including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are also rich in enzymes that help digest food and detoxify the body. In addition, they are a great source of plant-based protein.

    How to Grow Seedlings
    Growing Microgreen and sprouts is easy and requires little space. For Microgreen you need a growing tray as well as soil and seeds . For sprouts you only need a sprout jar , water and seeds .

    1. To Microgreen the seed tray with soil and scatter the seeds over it. Cover them lightly with soil again and water them regularly. Place the tray in a sunny spot and wait for them to germinate. Then you can harvest them and use them in your salad or sandwich. ▸ For detailed cultivation instructions
    2. For sprouts , place the seeds in a jar and fill it with water. Let them soak for a few hours and then pour off the water. Rinse the seeds with water twice daily until they germinate. This usually takes three to five days. Then you can harvest them and use them in your salads or sandwiches. ▸ For detailed cultivation instructions

    Difference between urban gardening and urban farming

    Although the terms urban gardening and urban farming are often used interchangeably, there is an important difference between the two.

    What is Urban Farming?
    Urban farming refers to growing crops in the city to produce a harvest. Unlike urban gardening, which focuses on growing plants for one's own use, urban farming involves producing a significant amount of food for sale or donation to local communities. Microgreen are increasingly playing an important role here; for example, more and more commercial indoor farms .

    How is it different from urban gardening?
    The main difference between urban gardening and urban farming is the purpose. Urban gardening focuses on growing plants for personal use and recreation, while urban farming aims to produce (and usually also sell ) a harvest to contribute to food security in the city.

    Urban farming also typically requires more land and resources than urban gardening. Urban farmers can use large, productive areas in the city, such as brownfields, to grow their crops. Urban gardening is often limited to smaller, personal growing areas, such as balconies or windowsills.  

    Conclusion and outlook

    In summary, urban gardening is a great way to create more green spaces in the city and meet your own needs for fresh produce. There are many different types of urban gardening , such as community gardens, balcony gardens or school gardens. Each species has its own benefits and allows people to connect with nature.

    Growing Microgreen and sprouts offers a particularly interesting opportunity to grow fresh products in your own four walls. The small plants are not only easy to grow, but also very healthy and nutritious. They can be easily grown on the windowsill or even in a small corner of the room.

    So whether you have a windowsill or a community garden, everyone can start gardening and contribute to creating a greener, more sustainable city .

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